Nose job (Rhinoplasty)

State-of-art afordable rhinoplasty in Ukraine

What It Will Do

A rhinoplasty will give you a smaller, narrower, more graceful nose and correct obvious problems like a hump. If your nose is crooked, the surgeon may or may not be able to straighten it, depending on what caused the crookedness.

If your nose is straight, with no hump, but the lower part of your nose looks broad, fat, or bulbous at the tip and the nostrils look too wide, you may not need the standard “nose job.”

Nose job– what is it?

There are several ways to correct nose area: non-surgical and surgical.

Non-surgical correction of the nose form

Shortly saying – it is for correction of the nose tip. For example, you do not want to change, but only correct minor flaws in the form of nose – to smooth things over, change the tip of the nose, to restore the symmetry of the nose, etc. This is done with filling the fat cells or the medicines (fillers).

The procedure is characterized by its simplicity and takes about fifteen minutes to half an hour. Under anesthesia, the doctor adjusts the shape of the nose using a completely safe and hypoallergenic fillers based on hyaluronic acid. With the manipulation of a syringe, a specialist fills depressions, smooth out the rough edges, adjust the tip of the nose, restoring symmetry. During the procedure the patient is given the opportunity to control the process, watching the progress of the operation in the mirror. The procedure usually does not cause complications, and people can immediately return to their normal life.

Surgical correction

Rhynoplasty is a surgical operation done to correct shape of a nose or to restore its functions. With the help of this operation a person may achieve desired appearance changing the size of a nose, nostrils, a shape of tip or of the bridge.

What It Won’t Do

It won’t give you the nose that you admire on someone else. And it won’t necessarily make you look better in photographs or films, or improve your chances as a model.

What happens before rhynoplasty?

If you think about rhynoplasty, you need to find a qualified surgeon and ask him all the questions you have about the operation and your future after the operation. You need to describe as precisely as possible what you want to get as a result of nose surgery. Only after you get surgeon’s opinion you may decide whether you really need rhynoplasty or not. The thing is this type of surgery is more difficult than it sounds. So, you should be realistic about it and your future. The surgeon would also study your medical history to make sure you don’t have any medical restrictions. The doctor will give you to sign a consent to have a guarantee that you are aware of all risks and benefits of rhynoplasty. Pictures of your nose before the surgery would also be taken to see the result afterwards.

What happens during the operation of rhynoplasty?

First of all you would get anaesthetic. Your surgeon would discuss with you what type of anaesthetic to use before the operation – local or general. Local anaesthetic is less risky than general and many surgeons prefer to use it in combination with a sedative. Generally rhynoplasty surgery lasts one or two hours. There are two ways a surgeon makes the first cut – either inside the rim of a nostril (this way there would be no visible scars afterwards) or between the nostrils across the base of the nose. The second technique is used in more difficult cases and the scar would be small and almost invisible. Then the surgeon changes the shape of a nose, breaks a bone or reshapes cartilage if necessary. He puts automatically dissolving stitches on internal wounds and stitches the cut between the nostrils.

What are the complications of rhynoplasty?

After rhynoplasty surgery your eyes, nose and face may swell. Bruising is also possible if the nose was broken. Bleeding is normal as well, if it is heavy you would need to change a gauze quite often to stop blood. There is always a risk of infection, nerve damage and “lop-sided” result of nose surgery. Besides as there is a swelling it is difficult to see clearly the result of operation, so there is always a possibility of some irregularities which become visible only several weeks or even months after nose job.

What are the general recommendations after rhynoplasty?

To have a quicker recovery after the rhynoplasty you need to follow your doctor’s recommendations which may include: taking painkillers during the first days after the surgery; applying cold compress to reduce swelling; doing special compression exercises to your nose; avoiding sun for at least 2 months; avoiding sports and activities where you may damage your face for several weeks.

How long the recovery period after rhynoplasty lasts?

It would be a short stay in the clinic – maximum overnight. Most people return to their work within two weeks after the rhynoplasty.

When the results of rhynoplasty will become visible?

Usually it takes up to a year to see clearly the results of rhynoplasty because you need all swelling to subside. And if you had your tip reshaped then you need to wait even longer (up to 3 years) as tip tissue recovers slowly.

Who shouldn’t have nose job?

Most people are suitable candidates for rhynoplasty as long as they have realistic expectations and are in good health. Anyway your doctor will study your medical history and tell whether you can proceed or not. For example, if you are prone to keloid scars, the surgeon would warn you and might recommend to avoid the operation.

Is rhinoplasty possible on UK National Health Service?

It would be almost unlikely to get a cosmetic nose job free of charge under National Health Service. As average cost for rhinoplasty in UK at private surgery clinic is around £2500 – £3500, which is 30-40% more expensive then in Ukraine.

Before and After

How It Works

 Prices for Rhinoplasty (plastic surgery for nose )

Cost for rhinoplasty surgery depends from patology of nose (the areas to be treated), a form of scroll-bone and sinus. Roughly the average cost of operation may vary on areas to be operated:

Rhinoplasty on one nose area     – £457
Operation in two nose areas       – £857
Nose job on three nose sections – £1257

The detailed cost for surgical nose job:

Rhinoplasty procedureEURGBP
Surgery correction of external nasal deformities1 8961 627
Surgery correction of external nasal deformities (closed)1 9781 697
Surgery correction of external nasal posttraumatic deformities (nose cosmetic surgery)2 8512 446
Surgery correction of external nasal posttraumatic deformities (closed)3 4342 947
Surgery correction of external nasal deformities (complicated)3 1982 744
Surgery correction of external nasal deformities (compliated) (closed)4 3793 757
Surgery correction of wide nose (correction of nostrils)369314
Surgery correction of aquiline nose (nose reshaping)818702
Surgery correction of big nose (nose reduction)818702
Surgery correction of saddle nose (nose reshaping surgery)1 3441 153
Galvanothermy of scroll-bone (vasetomy) – one zone334286
Hematoma discission of nasal septum147126
Wound closure of nose tip (nose tip reshaping)204175
Local resection of nasal septum with plastic nose surgery554475
Circular resection of nasal septum353303
Abscess discission of nasal septum365313
Abolition of scarry stricture of nostrils – one zone620532
Dissection of synechia of nasal cavity – one zone217186
Сutting of cartilage nose atresia648556
Cutting of cartilage combined choanal atresia806691
Resection (conchotomy) of scroll-bone, lateroposition of scroll-bone – one zone327281
Resection (conchotomy) of scroll-bone (endoscopic) – one zone733629
Nose polypotomy511439
Debriding out of schroll-bone292250
Local resection of nasal septum by posttraumatic deformation951816
Local resection of nasal septum by posttraumatic deformation672576

The cost of nose non-surgical correction is composed of the number of applications of the fillers, the area of the injection and lasting effect. Specifically, how much manipulations is needed  a doctor will decide upon the consultation. To get to know that request us your Free Quote now.

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