Organising your trip

Do Your Homework

To give our customers the best price solution, Overseas Medical operates a ‘Simple Service Model’, which entails:

  • Easy to reach due to the geographical vicinity of Ukraine
  • Use of self-booking enables economical and time efficient flights. Buying tickets oneself directly from an airline is more cost-effective then via a travel agent.
  • Convenient configuration of travel and medical treatment arrangements in Ukraine. For some cosmetic treatments you may only be required to stay over a weekend (Friday – Monday), choosing our Weekend Cosmetic Surgery and Beauty Treatment Package.

Reserve Surgery Date

As one of the steps towards your treatment with us, forward us your Quick free quote attaching any available reports; diagnostic and pathological.

Request a Free Quote

Following 7 easy steps we will illustrate the most convenient configuration for organizing your trip.

Let us Plan Your Trip

We select a suitable clinic-partner and forward your information on to your doctor. After a consultation with your doctor we will book a date for your treatment.


Traveling to Ukraine

The Perfect Balance Between Quality and Price

We have prepared some useful tips that will help our clients in their travel to Ukraine with regards buying cost effective flights. Ukrainian International Airlines (UIA) provides 57% of the non-stop London – Kiev flights. Please see their recommendations below for reducing the cost of the tickets:

  • Click on the following link “The best fares” for more information. The average return ticket for London – Kiev is only £178.
  • From time to time UIA advertise excellent offers and promotions.
  • Try to book and purchase your UIA ticket 90/120/150 or more days in advance and take advantage of 25%/35%/50% off the fares respectively.
  • The best days for departure to Ukraine are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.
  • The average London – Kiev flight time is 3 hours 16 minutes.
  • There are approximately 21 London – Kiev flights per month.
  • All transfers provided by Overseas Medical Ukraine


We recommend you view our trusted and confortable apartments:

Write to us for booking your accommodation here.


European citizens are allowed to enter Ukraine without a visa for a visit of up to 90 days within a 180 day period.

Further information can be found on the websites of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and State Border Service of Ukraine.

If a visa and/or accommodation are needed, we are able to support you.


The currency of Ukraine is hryvnia (UAH). It is pronounced like “greevna”. One hryvnia is 100 kopecks.

There are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500 hryvhia bills. There is also one hryvhia coin.

You can exchange your GBP/USD/EUR to hryvnia at your home bank account.

It is also possible to change GBP/USD/EUR in exchange booths.

You would be unlikely to be able to withdraw GBP/USD/EUR from an ATM in Ukraine.

All procedures are payable in hryvhia (UAH). Payment by credit/debit card accepted for all procedures. Best to pay in local currency (UAH).


The official language of Ukraine is Ukrainian. It is mostly used in Western Ukraine. However, the most commonly used language in Kiev and in Eastern parts of Ukraine is Russian.  The majority of people speak both to a certain extent.

Major religions

Ukraine religions have a somewhat of “mix” of faiths. Ukraine, is predominately Christian, with greater than 90% of religiously active citizens belonging to Orthodox, Catholic or Protestant denominations.
Razumkov’s Centre conducted a social survey in 2016 revealing how religions in Ukraine are spread over its territory:

39.8% followers of Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Kiev Patriarchate)
29.4% followers of Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) wh- under protection of Russian Orthodox Church
14.1% belong to Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
2.8% confess to Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church
2.4% are Protestants
1.7% followers go to Roman Catholic Church
0.2% practice Islam
0.1% believers in Judaism
2.6% distinguish themselves to belonging to other denominations
62.5% are not religious

National holidays

Ukraine public holidays 2018
Jan1 MonNew Year’s day
7 SunOrthodox Christmas
8 MonOrthodox Christmas Holiday
Mar.7 ThuWomen’s day
April8 SunOrthodox Easter
9 MonOrthodox Easter Monday
May 1 TueLabor Day
9 WedVictory Day
28 TueOrthodox Pentecost
June28 SunConstitution Day
Aug.24 ThuIndependence Day
Oct.15 MonDay of the defenders of the Ukraine
 Nov21 MonDignity and Freedom Day
 Dec 25 Tue Catholic Christmas Day

Climate and Weather

In the summer the weather is usually warm, sometimes hot and dry. The warmest months are July and August. The average temperature is 25-30 °C. Autumn is rather warm at the be­ginning but becomes colder, overcast and often rains. There is a wonderful time in autumn, the so-called ‘Indian summer’, when the weather is warm and sunny, basking everything in golden, brown and red.
Winter sets in December with its cold heavy snowfalls and bitter winds. The coldest month is January. The temperature could drop to -15-20 ºC, however often winters are rainy and mild making it not the most appealing of seasons.

Sightseeing and City Tours

Discover the infinite places it has for you to visit and explore.

We offer you a wide list of local tourism packages you can choose from, based on the experiences you are looking for.

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