Hair loss therapy

Curing baldness in Ukraine

  • Revolutionary technology Folicular Unit Extraction – Scarless and non-invasive
  • Transplant of long hair – unique! Only in Ukraine!
  • Transplanting hair from the body- Body Hair Transplantation
  • 98 % transplant success rate of hair plantations
  • Restoring the follicle donor area by 20-50%
  • Growth of transplanted hair after the therapy – up to 100%
  • The operation is performed with such pinpoint accuracy that even close to 2-3 hours of the operated area looks natural.

Curing baldness

Alopecia – a pathological hair loss, which leads to their complete disappearance or thinning in specific areas of the head or torso. The most common types of alopecia androgenetic refers, diffuse, focal and scar.

According to statistics, 95% of cases of alopecia in men and women caused by increased blood levels of the male hormone.  Under the influence of male hormones androgens (hence the name of dutasteride) are sensitive to them follicles gradually decrease in size, atrophy and eventually in dissolve the body.


In most cases, men’s alopecia begins in front of the hairline, its further development is accompanied by the promotion of the pathological process to the crown. For female baldness is characterized by thinning and hair loss is almost all over the head, especially in the area of the crown.

Drug treatment of androgenic alopecia showed a low efficiency. This is because the areas of the head, exposed to androgenic type alopecia, no normal follicle from which could grow healthy hair. However, in the occipital and temporal areas are always the hair follicles which do not have receptors for testosterone and are resistant to balding factors. Therefore, hair transplantation is currently the only effective way to solve this problem. This type of surgery is often the only way to treat androgenetic alopecia in men.

Results of hair transplant

Follicular unit transplantation provides the most natural effect, since the hair transplant is done by the same allocation, which occurs in nature. This method allows relatively fast transplantation a large number of grafts, and their success transplantation rate is over 92%.

Hair regeneration treatment does help you re-feel the self-confidence!

Hair restoration techniques

Over the last century in the field of regrowing hair there have been significant changes in the methods and techniques of operations. Our clinic – partner “Ana-Cosmo” provides the latest and advanced technologies, which are popular all over the world and we offer them to our customers.

Best hair loss solutions. We offer the following methods of hair transplant:

  • Patchwork, FUT (Folicular Unit Transplantation) – a method in which the donor material is taken from the back in the form of a flap. The optimal method for transplants between 2000 grafts*. It remains a small scar on the back of his head.
  • Scarless, non-invasive, FUE (Folicular Unit Extraction) – a convenient method for small transplants to 3000 grafts. It does not leave any scar.
  • Transplant of long hair – unique! Only in Ukraine. Very convenient for those people who do not want to wait for the transplanted hair grow back. The result is visible immediately after surgery.
  • Transplanting hair from the body, BHT (Body Hair Transplantation) – a method usually used in conjunction with a patchwork method in case of shortage of donor material. It does not leave scars.

Where to get hair transplant:

  • In androgenetic alopecia – male pattern baldness. It may be both men and women.
  • The scar zone: after injuries or burns.
  • When traction alopecia, usually for women.
  • To increase the density of the eyebrows (eyebrow hair restoration) and eyelashes, or in the event of their total absence.
  • The beard, chest, sideburns, etc.

Hair restoration surgeons often hair transplant taken from the back. If the transplant is big enough or you can not take a lot of donor material used BHT method. For small operations typically use FUE method. Before transplantation, to achieve maximum results, it is advisable to go through several sessions Plazmolifting (PRP) of the head.

Surgical hair transplant cost

Hair transplant surgery price:

  • less then 1000 grafts – cost of one graft* £1,3. 
  • more than 1000 grafts – cost of one graft* £0,9.

*1 – Graft – morphofunctional association which comprises from 1-4 hairs.

How It Works

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