Why opt for penis enlargement surgery in Ukraine?
A small penis size is often the cause of erectile dysfunction in men, which is associated with a fairly equitable fear of not being able to fully satisfy a woman. Indeed, there is a limited amount of physical affection to be achieved without fully merging two bodies together. Is it possible to reconstruct the penis without surgery? Modern methods within the industry in fact offer several options.
Is it possible to increase the penis size without surgery?
Until recently, an increase of penis size was performed exclusively by means of a full surgical procedure. The tissue of the phallus being subject to implants and transplants, with the recovery time proving extremely painful and challenging. However, now plastic surgery has developed new, minimally invasive techniques. These transformations are able to provide an outcome comparable to the results of surgery, yet without the discomfort, pain and side effects.
We are able to increase the length or girth of the penis by injecting hyaluronic acid. The surgeon will insert hyaluronic gel (a substance completely biocompatible with cells) under the skin of the penis. The procedure takes one hour, and it does not require the use of an anaesthetic or an overnight stay in the clinic. After just a few days post returning home, the patient will be completely back to normal life.
However, it must be noted that the hyaluronic acid treatment to increase the penis size will not be permanent, as any dermal fillers dissipate naturally throughout the body within a year. Non-absorbable fillers, which may also perform an implant function, are not applicable for this purpose because they can trigger the development of allergic reactions, drug migration, inflammation, and even rejection.
Stages of penis enlargement by hyaluronic acid:
Those not enamoured with the prospect of synthetic fillers being located in the genital region may prefer an alternative method – lipofilling. The essence of this penis enlarging procedure is the transplantation of fat. Authentic fat is used instead of synthetic filler. Your own lipid tissue is extracted by suction, from a part of your body that you specify in advance with the surgeon. The main advantage of this method being that it is absolutely safe, and provides relatively permanent results. Naturally some fat will dissolve, but the majority will be absorbed and remain in the same place.
Stages of penis enlargement with lipofilling:
Indications for injectable procedures include:
The contraindications associated with lipofilling and hyaluronic acid are identical:
The surgical enlargement of the penis is called a ligamentotomy, which is performed by severing the suspensory ligament. The penis consists of two corpora cavernosa, which are to some extent, tanks. They are filled with blood and cause erectile rigidity.
Approximately one third of these cavernous bodies length resides within the body. They are secured with skin and ligaments, which are attached to the pubic bone. A surgeon cuts the suspensory ligament and thereby increases the penis to such an extent as is possible, according to the corpora cavernosa.
Phalloplasty surgery lasts approximately 1.5 hours. The male surgery enhancement is performed under a general anaesthetic. After the surgery, it is recommended to wear a device (the extender), which will consolidate positive results and contribute to further elongation.
Rehabilitation and recovery after intimate plastic surgery:
As per the above information, with just one procedure you will be able to experience newfound intimate relationships and discover unlimited confidence in your masculinity. However, to achieve maximum results, we strongly advise that you adhere to the following instructions for rehabilitation:
How It Works
All male genital operations have the ability to be performed over a weekend. We will offer you in-depth explanations of all processes associated with surgical male enhancement. As penis enhancement by hyaluronic acid is a simple injection, medical tests may not be required due to this procedure being less complex.
When estimating the total cost of male enhancement plastic surgery, please consider some of the associated expenses:
Please visit Price page for more information about cost and travel expenses.
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*There is no need to send photographs for penis enlargement surgery.
We respect the privacy of our clients. For this reason we never publish pre and post-operative photographs on our website. Such photographs shall be used explicitly to illustrate particular discussion topics related to your treatment.
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