Discover the infinite places it has for you to visit and explore. We offer you a wide list of local tourism packages you can choose from, based on the experiences you are looking for.
Sight-seen and leisure activities in Kiev are mostly done in free time after the main purpose of medical tourism travelers – dental treatments, screening programs and beauty therapy. It is rarely done after cosmetic surgeries, as there is a need of recovery period. We offer you carefully selected particularly interesting tours that our guests may enjoy while staying in Kiev for medical treatments. As they are highly demanded over weekend we recommend to spend a spare time in exploring Saturday and or Sunday at the second half of the day after medical treatments.
Discover the infinite places it has for you to visit and explore.
We offer you a wide list of local tourism packages you can choose from, based on the experiences you are looking for.
We respect the privacy of our clients. That is why we never publish pre and postoperative photographs on our website. These photographs shall be used explicitly to illustrate particular discussion topics related to your treatment.
100% privacy guaranteed. We keep you confidentiality and will not share your information.