Why Xenon anesthesia cost more then other type of anesthesia gas?

Xenon anesthesia in UkraineXenon is used for anesthesia in 12 European countries, but it is used in patients with only 1-2 risk group in ASA, whereas xenon is perfect for severe patients: it does not have a depressing effect.

Xenon, in contrast, for example, from the sevorane gas or nitrous oxide, does not form in the body of negative chemical compounds. Clathrates promote the adsorption of toxins – detoxification goes on a molecular level. These compounds dissolve rapidly when the concentration of anesthetic drops and the temperature rises. After the release of xenon from the composition of the clathrate, the remaining metabolized water associate retains its useful functions for up to 72 hours – hence, purification continues after withdrawal from the anesthesia. This is another proof of the medicinal properties of xenon.

With this anesthesia, the principle of varying the supply of medical gases operates, depending on the needs of the individual patient: oxygen is fed exactly as much as necessary for 1 breath. With xenon anesthesia, it needs less than any other, since the gas “pulls” oxygen even in unventilated areas of the lungs, saturation is very active.

Xenon completely exits the body in 10-12 respiratory cycles. Roughly speaking, until the last seam, the concentration of anesthetic is maximal, but as soon as the intervention is over, the xenon is removed from the contour, after a few minutes the patient opens his eyes, talks, even is able to move.

Xenon has a cardioprotective effect (tested with myocardial infarction). Patients suffering from unbearable pain breathed a mixture of xenon and oxygen in a ratio of 50:50 or 70:30 – discomfort passed, even stopped the development of “creeping” myocardial infarction.

Inhalation anesthesia does not pass for the patient without a trace, and xenon is harmless. Summarizing all said above:

  • No anesthetic gives such a quick recovery of consciousness, like xenon. Consciousness is restored as completely as possible, taking into account the initial state and surgical intervention. Xenon allows you to carry out a postoperative neurological examination of the operating room.
  • Xenon has established itself as the only anesthetic that does not reduce systemic blood pressure, and therefore the only anesthetic that does not reduce perfusion of the brain.
  • During xenon anesthesia, the brain-heart system is in an optimal state with such perfusion indices to which the particular patient is adapted.
  • Xenon retains blood pressure and cardiac output close to the one prior to operation. Therefore there is no need for additional cardiotonic support .
  • Xenon is the only non-toxic, non-metabolizing and non-cumulating anesthetic.

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