Like a lot of surgeons, I spend a lot of time helping answering my clients’ questions by connecting them with best plastic surgeon in Ukraine who could explain the staff to my clients. And, at the end of the consultation with the surgeons I know, and they know, that there is so much to know that they can’t possibly remember it all when they go home to think about it. Time and time again I have been asked, “Is there something we can read before we come in to see you and the clinics I introduce in Ukraine or before we have the surgery?”
There are few articles, but none that seemed right to me. Some were too glorified (plastic surgery is not for everyone). Some were out of date. Some were interesting but incomplete. So, since no one else had done it, I decided that I had to do it, for you, so that you could know as much as you want to know about your surgery—and go back and study the information — before your operation overseas or in your home country.
This Blog will also see you through your recovery period. No one really believes the surgeon when he tells them that time is necessary after cosmetic surgery to let swelling diminish, scars fade, and final results appear. This Blog takes you through your healing period so that you can know when you are healing like everyone else and when you may not be, and what to do about it.